
How Often to Feed Fish? – 6 Necessary Questions Answered

There are more than 3400 species of vertebrates found in fresh and saline water. Almost every kid visiting the aquarium observes the movement of fishes very closely and questions their existence.

Fishes are among the few unique creatures living in this nature.

There are millions of fishes, and their various species, reproducing underwater, but not all of them can survive in your customized aquarium and fish pots.

If you have a fish as a pet, do you know how often to feed fish? Or has your child ever asked about how fishes sleep or if they can survive in a small pond of water?

How Often Should I Feed My Fish?

Every pet animal must be treated well by its caretaker. If you have an aquarium consisting of more than ten fishes, you need to measure your fish flakes and feed them.

Every fish has different needs and can digest a specific quantity of portions. You can feed your fish twice or thrice a day, or maybe once a day, depending upon its metabolism.

Animal experts and nutritionists suggest that one should always watch his or her fish’s food consumption. Moreover, your fish should complete the portion within two minutes to avoid flocculation in the fish tank or aquarium.

If you are feeding your fish with supplements and special flakes, you need to ensure that you aren’t over-feeding them.

What Should I Feed My Fish?

If you want to interact with your fish and establish a friendly relationship, you must treat them well. You can feed your fish with dry flakes, sticks, and pellets which are easy to digest and settle on the bottom without polluting your fish tank.

If you want to treat your carnivorous fish with different meals every day, you can add dead worms, krills, and crawly micro warms with their usual fish flakes.

If you are using frozen or canned food, ensure to defrost it and then feed it to them. Many fishes love to taste green vegetables and shrimps; you can feed them zucchini and peas by crushing them down in powdered form and then mixing it with their fish food.

If you have any doubts about how often to feed fish, you can consult an Ichthyologist. An ichthyologist is a zoologist by profession who knows about the diet and other characteristics of various fishes.

How Much To Feed Fish?

If you have a fish, you must monitor its characteristics and eating habits. Once you have evaluated your fish’s needs, you must set a specific number of fish flakes for every portion and make it a routine.

Try to follow the same portion size for an entire month and continue monitoring your fish’s reaction and activity.

Moreover, if you have any doubts about how much to feed your fish, you can experiment with your fish food and portion size. If you are an amateur or a beginner, you must follow the basic thumb rule of feeding fish in your aquarium.

It would be best to provide them with a limited quantity of fish flakes that can be digested within 4-5 minutes. Create a timetable, follow it thoroughly, and constantly monitor your fish’s intake and metabolism rate.

If you observe flocculation or pollution caused by the fish flakes or undigested matter, avoid overfeeding them. Always use soft and unfrosted food that your fishes can easily digest.

When Should I Feed My Fish?

If you are a morning person, it would be best to feed your fish at the start of the day. However, you can also feed them at dusk.

Moreover, if you feed your fish consistently throughout the day, schedule their feed timings and follow the same routine. Fishes in the aquarium can be fed any time of the day; however, it would be best to feed them during the day or night.

Just like every living organism, fishes also digest, excrete, and produce matter.

Hobbyists and aquarists make their fishes fast for two to three days or even a week, so they can clear their digestive systems and start fresh.

What Are the Signs of Overfeeding Fish?

You would always question how often should I feed my fish? Many hobbyists take a keen interest in feeding their fishes and maintaining their aquariums.

However, you must always ensure that you are feeding a limited quantity of fish flakes. If you are constantly feeding your fish, they would consider your presence as a food provider only.

Moreover, if you are feeding them an extra portion, there is a fair chance that they will waste that food, which would be seen floating in your fish tank.

As fish flakes are released in water, they become softer and lose their nutritional content when over-exposed with water particles.

After cleaning your aquarium, if you observe cloudy water with suspended particles, it is because of the uneaten or leftover fish food.

What Happens If You Overfeed Fish?

Before you overfeed your fish, recall how often do you feed fish. Overfeeding sometimes kills them; the waste food sinks at the bottom of the aquarium and pollutes the entire internal environment.

Pollution caused by leftover food particles interrupts oxygen supply and light intensity reaching the bottom of the fish tank.

Like mammals, if fishes consume excess food, they will have a problem while digesting food particles. To avoid this, you can install an automatic food feeder and constantly monitor it’s working.

Suppose you are keeping your fishes in an artificial environment, an aquarium.

In that case, you need to ensure that you are providing them with a constant supply of fresh and clean water to survive and stay healthy.


Fishes are among the unique creatures created by God. Whenever you observe a fish tank or an aquarium, you are mesmerized by its colors and internal environment.

However, you need to keep a quality check over your aquarium and feed them within certain limits to keep it natural.

Hobbyists and caretakers need to ensure they feed their fishes the right amount and portion of food.

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