
Can rabbits eat cucumber? All you need to know


Rabbits are just adorable. You want to hug and feed them all day. Watch out for those sharp, ever-growing front teeth, though. You don’t want to get your fingers in their mouths.

Rabbits have a sensitive digestive system, so you should know what to feed them and how much of it they can consume. But bunnies are far from fussy.

Establishing a balanced diet that contains enough vegetables, fruits, and water is the key to having a healthy bunny.

Cucumbers are fruits. Remarkably, cucumbers are 95% water, rich in fiber, and contain less sugar than carrots.

Cucumbers will enrich right about any meal. But, can rabbits eat cucumbers? What are the possible benefits and risks?

By the way, it is terrific seeing you try to expand the menu for your bunny. We are happy to help.

Are cucumbers good for your rabbit?

Well, yes! Cucumbers are wholesome, non-toxic, and form an excellent addition to your rabbit’s diet. Rabbits also seem to enjoy the coolness of cucumbers.

Cucumbers generally have a low nutrient density, so it is not ideal for them to form the bulk of a meal. Well, except if you fear your bunny is otherwise consuming too many calories.

The 96% water content of cucumbers also makes them great for hydration, especially in the heat of summer or when your rabbit isn’t drinking enough water.

However, too much of anything could be harmful. You will need to give cucumber moderately and monitor the outcomes closely.

While many bunnies have a soft spot for cucumbers, yours may have other preferences. If you notice that your rabbit doesn’t appreciate cucumbers that much, don’t insist.

What are the health benefits of cucumbers for bunnies?

Now you know that rabbits do eat cucumbers, let’s walk you through the benefits that your rabbit can get from cucumbers.

  1. Controls weight gain

Rabbits are likely to put on weight and become obese. A high-calorie diet means more risk of weight gain and its subsequent problems.

The average cucumber has only about 10-20 calories. Hence, cucumbers are a good substitute when trying to maintain a healthy weight.

  1. Hydration

Due to its high water content, cucumber prevents dehydration. Water should generally form most of your daily meal; it is so for rabbits too.

Dehydration becomes a concern when your rabbit doesn’t drink enough water or during summer. Cucumber stores its water at a cool temperature, so it efficiently prevents dehydration.

  1. Potent antioxidant

Naturally, rabbits generate free radicals (or oxidants) that could damage body systems, including the heart, brain, skin, etc.

Cucumbers contain antioxidants that neutralize free radicals in the body and maintain stable well-being.

  1. Low sugar content

The average cucumber has less sugar content than carrot and many other fruits. High sugar content means high blood sugar and a high risk of developing metabolic disorders such as obesity and diabetes.

  1. Helps digestion

The digestive system of rabbits is not efficient in carrying out its essential functions. So, rabbits rely on fiber from food sources to digest and absorb nutrients.

Cucumber can aid the digestive system due to its fiber content.

Can cucumbers cause problems for your rabbit?

Before we say anything else, we have to say cucumber is good for bunnies, as we have mentioned the benefits above. Cucumbers have ticked a lot of good boxes.

But, the happy fruit has some downsides to it. So can bunnies eat cucumber and still get sick?

  1. Diarrhea

The high water content of cucumbers tends to be a double-edged sword.

Your bunnies mostly prefer a dry meal; excess water could give them a runny stomach. Diarrhea could lead to severe malnutrition.

If you notice any changes in your rabbit after feeding them cucumbers, consider reducing or stopping it altogether.

  1. Weight loss

We mentioned earlier how cucumbers could help maintain a healthy weight and prevent obesity.

If consumed in excess, cucumbers will cause drastic weight loss; this is due to their low caloric nature.

Which part of cucumber is best for rabbits?

We don’t want to bore you with details; let’s say all the parts of cucumber are safe for consumption. However, because rabbits are sensitive beings, we will tell you how the parts differ.

  • The seeds: these are soft and very easy to swallow for rabbits. The seeds contain most of the nutrients of cucumbers.
  • The peel: the fiber content of cucumbers is mainly in the peels; they also have low water content. So if you fear that diarrhea might develop, feed cucumber to your rabbit. Only the peel can serve as a substitute.
  • The leaves and the flower

The leaves and flowers are also edible, and you can sprinkle them over hay or any other meal you choose to feed your rabbit.

How do you make sure that bunnies eat cucumber?

Since cucumbers are soft, they hardly pose an issue when chewing. But their size can be an issue for small rabbits.

The average cucumber is about 15-25cm in length; this will be hard for the average rabbit to deal with efficiently.

To make things easier for your rabbit, gently cut the cucumber into subtle slices that will be easier to hold on to, bite and chew.

Do rabbits eat many cucumbers?

Like with every food, balance is crucial for your rabbit to enjoy the benefits of cucumbers. We will advise that you don’t exceed two slices in 3-5 days, depending on the age and preference of your rabbit.

Suppose your rabbit seems to enjoy cucumber and doesn’t get health risks, you may choose to feed them a slice every other day.

As we mentioned earlier, we do not recommend continuous feeding for rabbits that show dislike or discomfort with cucumbers.

Are there health risks when my rabbits eat cucumbers?

Do rabbits eat cucumbers, and does it affect their health? As we have mentioned the problems that cucumbers can cause to rabbits, the risks associated with cucumbers are diarrhea and weight loss.

However, if your bunnies eat cucumber in the correct quantity, they may not have any health issues.


Cucumbers are great for rabbits and can make them gain weight quicker, provide antioxidants, aid bunny’s digestion, and other benefits. However, too much cucumber could be harmful to them.

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