
Can Rabbits Eat Cabbage? – All Answers to Your Bunny’s Diet

Rabbits, the little creatures whose charms no one can resist – who wouldn’t want to have a bunny as their pet?

But, are you feeding your furry friend the correct things? And can rabbits eat cabbage?

Often shown in animations, carrots to be their favorite food, but are they actually?

Many people make the mistake of feeding their rabbit a diet that is seemingly nutritious.

You may have thought that greens are good for humans, so they must be good for the bunny too, but is it so?

On the topic of greens, is cabbage a right choice for your cute, little rabbit?

If so, how much is the right amount?

Which parts of the cabbage are suitable for them? So many questions come to one’s mind and we are here to answer all of them.

The golden question, can bunnies eat cabbage?

In one word, YES. Cabbage is indeed an edible choice of leafy vegetable for your rabbit.

Hailing from the group of brassicas, this cruciferous vegetable is something bunnies cherish for its texture.

However, as for all food items, factors such as quantity, variety, preparation, frequency are crucial.

Rabbits, just like us, need a balanced diet comprised of vitamins, minerals and roughage to keep their system healthy. To know more about the specifications, keep reading!

What is so special about cabbage? – Health Benefits for Rabbits

From vitamins to minerals, fiber to antioxidants, cabbage is a leafy vegetable providing all. Basic research has shown cabbage to be rich in:

1.   Carbohydrates and Proteins

Carbohydrates are a major source of energy for all bunnies. And after all your rabbit needs all that energy to be that lively.

Proteins on the other hand are essential for the stable growth of rabbits.

2.   Vitamins and Minerals

Cabbage is well regarded for its Vitamin C, K, B6 and minerals like phosphorous, calcium and potassium.

All these nutrients help rabbits strengthen their immunity.

Calcium helps rabbits in building bone strength.

Vitamin B6 aids in normal muscle functioning.

Cabbage is also rich in antioxidants that protect rabbits from certain heart risks and other diseases.

3.   Water Content

Cabbage is abundant in its water content and water is always essential for a mammal like rabbit.

4.   Fiber

All the fiber and roughage in cabbage helps maintain a healthy dietary system.

They not only prevent constipation but also preserve good bacteria inside the rabbit’s intestines.

Rabbits Can Eat Cabbage, But Are There Medical Concerns?

Can bunnies eat cabbage? Of course. Should they always eat cabbage? Not at all.

So far, the composition of cabbage shows it to be quite a competitor amongst kale, broccoli, and other fresh veggies.

Unlike avocado, cabbage is not at all toxic to bunnies. But, downsides to cabbage present itself in two categories:

1.   Amount of Cabbage Rabbits Can Eat

Various studies on cabbage convey that improper intake of cabbage can lead to gastrointestinal issues and even diarrhea. This is due to the high sulfurous content of cabbage.

So we advise pet owners to monitor the amount of cabbage you feed to your rabbits.

Although, its vitamin and mineral supplements might be tempting, too much cabbage will cause your pet rabbit to have stomach problems.

Different rabbits will react differently to cabbage.

Always check for health signs after feeding cabbage. Any sign of aversion should be your cue to stop feeding your pet cabbage.

The serving amount should never cross 1/3rd of the total vegetables in a day.

2.   How Often Rabbits Can Eat Cabbage

As for frequency, rabbits being herbivores should have grass or hay as a major part of their diet.

This makes cabbage a suitable treat given about thrice a week to your furry friend. Remember to not serve cabbage on consecutive days.

Are the Stalk, Leaves & Roots of Cabbage Healthy for your Rabbit?

Utilizing the entire cabbage might seem like a good idea for the environment. But, can rabbits eat the remaining part of the cabbage? Not completely.

Leaves are where your rabbit will get the full health benefits of cabbage. The stalk can be fed in small amounts but the roots are off-limits.

How to Feed Cabbage to your Bunny?

Fresh cabbage is the key to prevent any unknown medical concerns.

Always get good-quality cabbage from the market to feed your rabbit. Organic produce is preferred over cabbage grown with pesticides.

Check for any worms or parasites the cabbage might potentially have. Make sure the cabbage is ripe but not overly ripened.

Thoroughly clean the cabbage and present them in a size your rabbit can chew.

If it is your first-time feeding cabbage to your rabbit, do not pile up too much of it. Never overfeed.

Wait for any irregular body functions your rabbit may show before feeding cabbage again.

A 24-hour window is enough for such monitoring. Signs like:

  • skin rash
  • loose bowel
  • drowsiness
  • bloating, should caution you to stop.

In the long run, you may even camouflage the cabbage among some other favorites of your pet.

Can Rabbits Eat Red Cabbage?

Yes, red cabbage is just like any other leafy vegetable. Veterinarians recommend dark and leafy vegetables for rabbit diet.

Primarily, green ones are recommended but red cabbage does not pose any extra medical risks, so no cause for worry.

Is Cooked Cabbage Safe for Rabbits?

The digestive systems of rabbits are inherently suited to raw food. Raw food provides them all the nutrients required for healthy functioning.

Cooked cabbage lessens the amount of nutrients directly absorbed into the bunny’s digestive system.

Unlike humans who relish cooked or processed cabbage, rabbits do not do so.
Do not feed your rabbit any cooked cabbage.

Are there any Alternatives to Cabbage for Rabbits?

Cabbage is good in moderation but risky if fed every day.

Rabbits being a fan of green leafy vegetables have many alternatives to choose from. Such possible seconds might be:

  • lettuce
  • broccoli
  • cucumber
  • asparagus
  • celery
  • artichoke

For each of these, your rabbit’s first reactions are crucial to observe.

Always remember to explore different varieties of food for your bunny. And sometimes, they need a change in their taste palette too.

How Much Cabbage Can Rabbits Eat?

Moderation is always the key to everything. This applies to food items you feed your bunny as well.

Although cabbage is nutritious for your furry friend’s diet, excessive amounts are disagreeable with their fragile digestive system.

The high sulfurous content in cabbages often results in gastrointestinal disorders. 

When a serving of cabbage lies within 1/3rd part of the entire vegetable content of the day, no signs might show up.

But, on exceeding this amount, diarrhea, bloating or allergic reactions are common.

So, make sure to stay within agreeable amounts.

How Often Can Rabbits Eat Cabbage?

Cabbage should not make up a significant slice of a rabbit’s diet. Thus, the frequency of feeding cabbage is important to constrain.

Most rabbits can be fed cabbage about three to four times a week without any cause of concern.

But, remember to not feed them cabbage on successive days as it might cause stomach disorders and discomfort to your rabbit.


That being said, if your rabbit is suited to cabbage, it is a safe option to opt for. Cabbage is nutritious in key proportions but might cause concerns if not measured with care.

Look for signs that might be concerning and alter accordingly. Every rabbit has its own unique digestive system so their diet should be customized accordingly.

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